The Benefits Of Using A Home Cervical Traction Device

By Lana Bray

A person could suffer from neck or spinal column injuries that may have been caused by a number of reasons. There could have been an accident while playing sports, or a car crash. Alternative reasons include internal injuries, such as lesions. A previous injury could also not have healed properly. Pressure or misalignment of the spine due to damages can be treated by using a cervical traction device.

The therapy involves certain maneuvers that cause the spine to be pulled back into the correct, or near correct position once more. Although it sounds awkward, it is not necessarily a painful procedure. The pulling motion on the spine also enables pain relief, therefore, it is very beneficial to the patient.

While there are products that can be purchased for this type of treatment, such as specially designed pillows, a person can also perform the treatment at home with a few household objects. The benefits of the treatment include pain relief from pinched nerve roots, injured spinal disks and moving joints. This type of therapy can also be used along with medication that has been prescribed by a doctor.

All that is required at home for the technique is a towel large enough to support the head, a cord and a door with a door handle, or knob. The door will need to close securely, and the cord should be fairly strong as well. The whole process will not take up much time at all to accomplish.

The rope is fastened to an end of the towel, so that it hangs lengthways, and also to the door handle. Remember to close the door so that it acts as a sturdy support system. Tie the cord at a length that just allows the hanging end of the towel to reach the ground. Once these items are in place, you can begin the therapy session.

Lie on your back on the floor and place your head on the towel. You must make sure that your neck is not bending forwards, and that your back is kept straight. Likewise, your neck should not bend backwards either. The position should be comfortable.

For your initial session, you should lie for no longer than seven minutes. Use a timer so that you do not exceed this time. A clock or a stopwatch will do. Every day that you resume the therapy, you can add another minute to the time. The second day will therefore be eight minutes, and so on. However, the longest that you should remain in this position is fifteen minutes.

Home therapy with a simple neck cervical traction device such as the one described is safe and convenient. It requires no special expertise or equipment, but has the power to bring relief from pain. Perhaps, depending on your circumstances, you will need other devices, but your doctor can make recommendations for those. Your doctor should also be consulted before trying out any method of therapy, especially if it is one that you plan to do yourself.

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