Evaluating Bee Pollen Energy Claims

By Lila Barry

There ate many people who believe that bee pollen energy is a benefit of ingesting this product of the hive. They are not all retailers of this super food, either. Nutritionists, natural food enthusiasts, personal trainers, athletes, and cancer victims are among those who attest to the benefits of the nutrient-packed substance.

Scientific tests have confirmed that bee pollen is over a third protein, is rich in all the known B vitamins, and contains other vitamins and minerals as well as enzymes and complex carbohydrates. It is one of the most nutritious foods known to man. It is composed of pollen from many flowers that is collected by bees, mixed with saliva and nectar, and stored in the hive for food for the rapidly growing larvae.

In the perfect design of natural symbiosis, bees visit flower after flower, drinking nectar and catching the reproductive dust on the hairs of their legs. This DNA-carrying dust rubs off on other blossoms, completing the vital process of pollination. When the bee gets back to the hive, it will busily clean off the remaining dust and store it away as food for baby bees.

Fortunately for all, the bees collect far more of this life-carrying substance than the hive needs. Beekeepers install special collecting devices at the entrances of hives to remove some of the dust before the bees enter. Other pollen is collected from the hive, having already been processed by the bees into a dense nutritional food. The 'dirty honey' at the bottom of the hive is not clouded by bee waste but full of this life-giving dust; it is thought to be one reason for the longevity of some rural peoples, who sell their pure honey and use the less-desired but far richer remainder.

Those who have a high need for dense nutrition may notice a significant surge of energy and an overall sense of well-being when this super food is added to their diet. Anyone will benefit from it, even those who have a good and balanced eating program or who are not under great stress. Some people prefer to eat a natural food product rather than take concentrated vitamin and mineral pills.

Especially those under stress - whether of great physical exertion like athletes, a serious illness like cancer, or a heavy mental load - need a way to get all the vital nutrients that a natural, living food provides. It is important to get a product that has not been denatured by high heat or chemical processing. Even mechanical preparation for market can be detrimental.

Testing has shown bees fed on raw honey do well, while those fed only the heat-treated, commercial kind actually die of nutritional deficiencies. Pollen is also a living food and one that is preserved naturally - in fact, ancient stores of this avian product have been found that still retain food value. Modern processing can destroy some or all of the goodness, but there are companies who know how to avoid this problem.

Bee pollen energy is a result of the high nutritional value of this natural food substance. If you are battling illness, exerting yourself physically in an intense training program, working overtime, or just want to feel better and stay healthy, check out what the beehive can offer.

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