How To Tell That You Need Drug And Alcohol Counseling Pa

By Lana Bray

Problems of drug and alcohol addictions are many. While there are some stages that can be controlled by the drinker or the user of drugs, certain types are more complicated and normally require the input of a professional. Research shows that it is very difficult for addicts to know that they are having the problem and hence cannot take any action to seek help. The following are the tell-tale signs that one has a problem that requires drug and alcohol counseling pa.

One of the most common behavioral changes is isolation of the addicts. Majority of users of drugs cite their reason for indulging in them as needing to deal with stress. Others also say that they uses these substances to relax after having a hectic day. This leads to them withdrawing emotionally. However, they may continue partaking of drugs in the presence of their friends or family. Others retreat to secluded points where they take these substances.

There are also other signs of this problem, especially in a case where an addict wants to conceal their use of these substances. An example is where an individual excuses themselves for five minutes to buy something from the shop, only for this to turn into five-hour disappearance. During this period of time, the addict goes to the home of a friend, or just a bar, or anywhere convenient, and partakes of the drug or alcohol or both.

Another thing that should sound as a warning of addiction is that one suddenly loses interest in the activities and hobbies that he or she used to like a while ago. It may be that you really liked sports or socializing with people. When you see that you are no longer interested in these, and that you use the time to engage in using drugs, then you have a problem and need to seek for professional help.

It may be that of late, you do not go out for a walk, or exercise. Family members and your friends start complaining that you never visit these days. You also realize that you have lost taste for activities that really used to be enjoyable to you. There is reduced participation in them. Instead of doing he above things, you find it better to just drink and use alcohol. Get help the moment you can before it becomes worse.

Addicts also have moods that change very drastically. One minute, the person may be crestfallen and dejected but the next, he is upbeat and very happy. There is no consistency in their moods. Also, along with mood swings, addicts tend to be depressed, fatigued, anxious, irritated among other things.

Money problem also begins coming in. The addicts are always looking for money to buy the drugs. To use these drugs regularly can be very expensive, and so one will do all they can do to lay their hands on money.

In regard to the money problem, you will notice that you struggle to find money to buy groceries and other staples. You also struggle with rent and other bills. However, when it comes to the drugs, you will always have some money to spend. This is a sign that a person should go for drug and alcohol counseling pa.

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