Protect Your Health And Enhance Your Appearance By Using Sun Tan Lotion Often

By Haywood Hunter

Using sun tan lotion is a well-known way to hasten tanning when you are striving for a bronzed look. However, daily sun tan lotion applications are beneficial not only to one's appearance, but also to health. They can help prevent cancer while safeguarding the condition of your skin.

Scientific evidence shows than exposure to sun is linked to various forms of skin cancer. The actual cancer-causing agent is ultraviolet radiation that the sun emits. A key way to prevent damage to the skin is to wear sun tan lotion with ingredients that act as a barricade against the radiation.

The level of sun protection you need depends on the color of your skin. Many different levels of sun protection factor are available and they are displayed on the product packaging. If your skin is very light, you need sun tan lotion with a high sun protection factor. In most cases, darker-skinned folks require less protection.

Sun tan lotion should be applied at least thirty minutes before you go out into the sun. Do not skimp on the amount used. According to scientists, most people fail to use enough. Also, don't forget to reapply it if you have been for a swim or have perspired a great deal.

Remember too that sun tan lotion is not just for use during recreational times. You can be exposed to the sun on your way to work, or while running errands. It is a good idea to get into the habit of putting on sun tan lotion before you leave the house.

Children also require protection and should be taught to apply sun tan lotion before they head out to start their day. Another compelling reason to use this product is that it hydrates the skin. This, in turn, keeps you looking younger as it delays the onset of wrinkles that often come with age.

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