Understanding What Are Free Radicals In The Body And How To Stabilize Them For Good Health

By Alice Right

You have probably come across the question what are free radicals in the body and are wondering exactly what they are. These are simply highly reactive molecules manufactured in the body. They are manufactured through a natural body process as an end product of oxidation (metabolism), and by exposure to readily available toxins in the environment such as ultraviolet light and tobacco smoke.

Lone radicals, for the most part, are unpaired. This explains the reason why they are always roaming up and about looking for other lone electrons in which they can pair and stabilize. The process of searching for other lone electrons is what leads to so many health complications in the body. The process can bring about premature aging, tissue damage, and so many other health complications.

They are indeed "free" since they float around till they stabilize, and are "radicals" because there are so many molecules from which they can derive and pair with an electron. Note that once the reactive process of pairing with other electrons starts, it becomes a snowball effect that wreaks havoc on otherwise healthy tissues. This is because the new molecule that pairs with it, also misses an electron in the process, hence acquires the new title of a free radical, and the chain continues.

As previously mentioned, these molecules have been linked to a myriad of health complications including heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, age-related mucular degeneration, Parkison's disease, and glaucoma to mention but a few.

The good news is that the lone molecules can be stabilized and the degenerating effect brought to a halt, all thanks to antioxidants. Note that the process of stabilization destroys so many healthy tissues, hence the need to put to an end to the degenerative process.

Antioxidants are known as lone radicals scavengers. They inhibit the creation of the lone molecules in the first place. They further neutralize the lone molecules, thus ensuring the healthy tissues of the system are well protected against the harmful effects brought about by oxidation stress. Examples of antioxidants include Vitamin c, Vitamin E, betacarotine, lutein, selenium, lycopene, resveratrol, and lipoic acid. Also worth mentioning is that antioxidants are readily present in most diets today.

They can always be derived from foods and natural food sources such as cocoa, goji berries, chokeberry, oolong tea, acai, medicinal mushrooms, wheatgrass, white tea, black tea, as well as tart cherries. Ensuring there is a sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains and enough proteins has also been proven to be an effective remedy for ensuring there are enough antioxidants in the system. Even so, they can still be bought and used in their supplement form.

What are free radicals in the body and how to stabilize them can best be understand when one understands what a free radical scavenger is. Take your time to learn of this vitamin, mineral, or enzyme that you can include in your daily diet and which can help inhibit the snowball effect and destroy the lone molecules. The best way to protect your body from these molecules and ensure no further damage is done is to look for the best scavenger.

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