An Anti-Inflammatory Recipe For Leaky Gut Disease.

By Whitby Wruck

Eating copious amounts of the right types of these disease-fighting foods will allow you to improve your health, feel better, look better, and have more energy! Countless studies have shown eating fruits and vegetables decreases your risk of heart disease, various cancers, diabetes, and numerous other chronic diseases.

As the lining becomes more permeable than normal it allows microbes, undigested food, waste, toxins, or large macromolecules to enter.

Some researchers believe that these substances have a direct affect on the body; others think the problem is an immune reaction to those substances.

Certain types of fruits are better sources of energy than others. Glycemic index and glycemic load are two concepts that have been popularized in the last several years, and are very important to understanding what foods you should be eating. The glycemic index measures how fast a particular food triggers a rise in blood sugar. The higher the amount of glucose or fructose in a food, the fast it breaks down and causes a rise in blood sugar and insulin levels.

Grains and starches are simply long chains of glucose held together by carbon bonds. As a result, they break down very quickly and rapidly enter the blood, causing spikes in blood sugar and insulin.

The anti-inflammatory diet isn't really a diet; it's more of an eating plan. And if you do a little research, you'll find that there's not just one anti-inflammatory diet; there are several, each with a different spin.

The insoluble fiber found in fruits and vegetables also acts to further slow down the entrance of fructose into the bloodstream. The total glycemic load of a meal is also important.

Licorice root is another popular anti inflammatory herb, but its prolonged use may raise the blood pressure and cause potassium loss. So person suffering from hypertension must be cautious with its use.

Now you can see why eating a potato or piece of bread, which are 100 percent glucose, causes a greater insulin spike than pure table sugar, which is half glucose and half fructose.

This is why the concept of glycemic load is even more important, because it takes into account not only the rate at which a food enters the bloodstream, but the amount of calories it contains.

Flax seed poultice is also very effective in treating bronchitis and reduces swellings in gouts and rheumatoid arthritis.

These herbs are very commonly used and are easily available. In sudden injuries these can be applied immediately for some relief before consulting any doctor. These are cheap and if applied properly one can avoid spending on painkillers and other drugs.

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