Liquid Diet Plan Review

By Susan Field

The team at the 'the liquid diet plan' lead by the top nutrition and fitness expert Michael Goodman have created an innovative new kind of diet.

Have you tried a meal replacement programme that left you hungry and frustrated? Then try this brand new innovation, it's initially free to try and if you find it works the paid options are really good value too.

How does this diet work?

The conventional wisdom of a meal replacement diet is one that takes over completely meaning you just consume all liquid calories.

The ones I mean are slimming diets were you buy a load of fake cheap powdered milk and pay a fortune to starve for a week.

In the traditional liquid diet, the drinks would contain significantly fewer calories than you would consume eating normally.

The packet based meal substitutes mean you hardy consume any real food and end up in calorie deficit.

Have you been failed by packet meal replacement diets? I know I have and have been hungry in the process. I always feel cheated by packet diets as essentially there is no real secret to them. I always regain any lost water weight after a sachet slimming diet.

We now know that we would in fact be better off drinking 8 pints of milk per day for a week than wasting $75 on powder that makes you gain more weight than you initially lose.

We now know that we would in fact be better off drinking 8 pints of milk per day for a week than wasting $75 on powder that makes you gain more weight than you initially lose.

So if you are looking for a refreshing change, look at this new diet plan.

Point one, No starvation is required for this plan to really benefit you.

This well thought out plan is designed to cleverly feed the inner body.

To explain what I mean, we know that hunger pains are not just our body's way of asking for more calories. Most of these hunger signals are asking for high quality nutrients to fuel, heal and build a healthy body.

How come I sometimes over eat even when I feel full? This is because you have only satisfied the need for fuel (calories) but not the need for the high-quality 'nutrients' you need to thrive. Your body simply goes on looking for more food to fill the missing gaps.

To illustrate this problem better, let us imagine hunger is like a shopping list and we need to check off all the correct boxes in order to make a recipe right? Well hunger is like that recipe too. Hunger needs to be fully satisfied in order to work right. We need calories but also require complex vitamins and minerals make us complete.

Simply put, if you eat a well designed balance of nutritious foods then you will not feel hungry.

The really clever part is that to some extent the body prefers nutritional satisfaction over calorie satisfaction.

Feed nutritional needs fist calories second

So by consuming optimised recipes that are designed to stop food cravings and make you feel satisfied you can eat less quantity (total calories) and easily lose weight.

Next steps

Forget that old approach that has failed you and choose a sustainable high-quality 'real food' dietary system that will work for ordinary men and women.

Visit the website at the liquid diet plan for a FREE getting started course.

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