Facts About Bunion Surgery San Francisco Patients Should Know

By Jayne Rutledge

A bunion is an often painful protrusion on the joint of the big toe which results when the angle of the toe is shifted inwards too much. The most common cause of this disorder is wearing tight-fitting shoes that place the toes in an abnormal position, leading to the misplacement of this joint which in turn can cause pain and make standing for long periods of time unbearable. There is an operation which can be effective, however it is advisable that before bunion surgery San Francisco patients learn what it entails.

If treated early on with a brace or splint on the toe the condition can improve somewhat and if there is irritation to the adjacent toe, corn pads may be helpful, but most often they only relieve the pain temporarily. There are certain types of shoes which are more accommodating to bunions, and if fallen arches are an issue, arch supports can be worn.

Severe bunions will not likely improve unless surgery is performed. In cases where the patient has not responded positively to less invasive approaches and is struggling with pain, he or she is referred for surgery. This procedure is usually done on an out-patient basis, but occasionally it will be necessary to stay overnight at the hospital. A general anesthetic is given, but in combination with a local anesthetic so less general is needed.

The proper name for the procedure is an "osteotomy". The bone of the big toe, called the metatarsal bone is divided and put back into its normal position and the bony protrusion is trimmed away. Strength is restored to the large toe and the upper foot is effectively narrowed. The bones will be held together with surgical screws or staples until it heals fully and a special type of post-operative shoe is worn to protect it.

Following surgery, the foot will be bandaged, swollen, and painful, but pain medications will be given and keeping the foot elevated helps reduce the swelling. The post-op shoe will need to be worn at all times, even when in bed. Stitches will be taken out after two weeks time, and it's important to exercise the toe starting right after the operation in order to prevent stiffness.

Wearing the post-op shoe for about six weeks is usually necessary, and after this time, an adjustable, open-toed sandal can be worn. Six to eight weeks later, one can again wear normal footwear, and when it has been three to six months after the procedure, involvement in sports should be safe.

Overall, there is a marked improvement in most patients. Very rarely a complication may occur such as skin infection, blood clot, toe sensitization, stiffness, problems with surgical screws, non-healing of the bone, or a problem with weight being transferred to the second toe and a corn forming on it as a result. These incidents are very uncommon though, and most people enjoy good results.

Before having bunion surgery San Francisco patients should understand that this is a procedure which is recommended as a solution for pain and unmanageable symptoms. It is not advised for those who are merely trying to stave off further escalation of symptoms or simply for esthetic purposes.

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