Slimming Down With Phentermine.

By Sandy Slawson

Phentermine is a very powerful weight loss drug and should only be used with medical supervision after fully understanding the risks. Phentermine is chemically related to amphetamines. It's approved as an appetite suppressant to help obese patients lose weight. However, without a healthy diet and exercise program the weight will come back.

It is highly recommended that phentermine is only used after consulting with a medical doctor. Because of the risks associated with this medication, only a doctor can help you determine if the hoped for benefits are worth taking the risk of using such a powerful drug. In addition to risking serious side effects, it also has the potential for addiction and abuse.

Phentermine will make you feel like you don't need to eat or that you only need to eat a little. Phentermine can create a feeling of euphoria and increases energy levels. However, this often causes insomnia and sleep deprivation which can lead to extreme changes in personal behavior. After a short time, the body builds up a tolerance to phentermine and it seems to stop working.

Websites across the internet sell phentermine without a prescription, but using it without the advice and supervision of a doctor is not only foolish, it's dangerous. This drug can cause serious and long lasting damage to the body and mind. The heart is particularly sensitive to this form of amphetamine. Only a doctor can decide if this is a wise course to follow.

An internet search for phentermine will quickly lead to endless glowing testimonials from people who took phentermine and lost a bunch of weight in a short time. This is quite possible. However, it is only half of the story. These same women fail to mention the mood swings, chest pains, tremors and irregular heartbeat they also experienced while taking the drug.

Like any amphetamine, it's possible to overdose with phentermine. Typically, an overdose will cause hallucinations, painful headaches, possible seizures, fuzzy vision, nausea and vomiting. Naturally, these are never mentioned in the glowing endorsements of the drug which are only trying to sell you. It would be most wise to avoid it or at least be cautious.

Unfortunately, our culture drills into our heads that we are not enough. This recurring message of television, advertising and the internet is a tragic and malicious lie. Advertising in all its forms wants us to feel 'less-than' so they can sell us their magic lotions, potions and pills. Their products will not make us anything more than we already are. We are enough without them.

Weight loss doesn't happen overnight. Even super models and stunning actors and actresses put weight on when they are not in front of the camera. You have to be yourself. More importantly, you have to accept yourself for who you are. Learn how to be healthy and how to take extremely good care of yourself. It begins with being your own best friend.

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